EMEA CP安全E盒世界之星

E-Secure盒子 Liderpack 2022 & 2023年世界之星十大外围足彩网奖


也被称为“不可侵犯的盒子”, 这种创新的瓦楞纸箱的特点是一个明显的篡改关闭,打破了它的第一次打开. 电子商务保险箱的顶部和内部也有额外的标签,允许它重复使用退货.

Not only is this box made from 100% recycled corrugated material, but it also doesn’t require the use of any adhesive tape or other material, 从而促进循环经济和可持续性. 


Two packages designed by our facilities in Spain were recognized at the Liderpack 奖 2022

Liderpack奖, organized annually by Graphispack Association and Fira de Barcelona's Hispack tradeshow, 已经认识到最具创新性, 以客户为中心的十大外围足彩网亚洲十大信誉购彩官网超过25年.

EMEA CP Liderpack食品

密封鱼箱 Liderpack 2022 

Our sealed fish box earned top mark in the Best 食物 十大外围足彩网 category for its innovative, 可持续设计, 适应性, 尊重环境. The package not only prevents water from spilling during transport, it also features locking tabs at the top of the inner flaps for better airtight sealing. 新的和改进的设计取代了使用层压薄膜与更可持续的蜡牛皮纸. 

EMEA CP Liderpack bin

将本 Liderpack 2022

Our separating bin earned the top prize in the 首页 十大外围足彩网 category. 该垃圾箱由三块硬纸板制成,可配置为分离两种或四种不同类型的废物或可回收物. 它的抗腐蚀设计意味着强大的耐用性, 而内置的锚定系统保持收集袋到位,防止废物流之间的交叉污染.


  • Cookware display - ATEF 2022 and FTA Europe Diamond 奖 2022

    我们的一款高品质印刷盒在2022年西班牙ATEF颁奖项目中获得一等奖, 认可柔版印刷的卓越表现. The box was created for customer Isogona by our Valls box plant in Spain. Used to promote the customer's Monix brand of cookware products, 显示器的特点是多种颜色的主题, 标志和文字. But the main focus is an image of the renowned Spanish chefs Javier and Sergio Torres. 使用最新的柔印技术, the exact quantity of ink and color combination is applied to the high-quality printing box. 结果是一个色彩鲜艳的显示屏,上面印着两位广为人知的名厨的清晰形象,立即引人注目,吸引了过往顾客的注意. The display box also made second place in the 2022 FTA Europe Diamond 奖.

  • 生态杀菌剂箱- ATEF 2022

    我们的盒子被选为2022年ATEF奖的获胜者, 西班牙的一项表彰柔版印刷优秀作品的比赛, 由于高质量的摄影完成的图像印刷在E-flute板.

  • 12瓶盒装葡萄酒- ATEF 2022

    This wine box won first prize in the 2022 ATEF awards program in Spain. 它的外观非常优雅, 该十大外围足彩网选择了其高度复杂的印刷技术,使用5种颜色和清漆. The jury highlighted particularly the play of light and shadow, 清晰的细节, as well as the technique of playing with the pressure of the die and clichés, 此外,使用水性油墨代替通常的金属油墨对环境也有好处.

  • 圆形盒子- 2022年Conai奖和2022年最佳十大外围足彩网奖

    我们的圆形盒子系列用于运输个人护理十大外围足彩网的二次十大外围足彩网在2022年最佳十大外围足彩网竞赛中入围. The package was designed by our team in Italy for customer Colgate-Palmolive. 
    不止一个盒子, 循环箱是一种循环经济亚洲十大信誉购彩官网,可以减少浪费,增加回收和材料回收. 这个循环从当地的一家运输十大外围足彩网开始, which collects paper and cardboard scraps from the customer’s plant. 然后这些废料被送到当地的造纸厂, which makes recycled paper that IP’s Pomezia plant then transforms into its Circular Box range. 这一过程为所用纸张形成了一个完全封闭和可持续的循环供应链. 看一个短视频.
    年度最佳十大外围足彩网大赛是由意大利十大外围足彩网协会(Istituto Italiano Imballagio)组织的。, in collaboration with Conai (National 十大外围足彩网 Consortium).  


  • One Box – 十大外围足彩网 创新 Prize 2021 and VITeff Prize 2021

    在2021年,我们的OneBox获得了多个奖项. It won first place in the Corrugated Board category of the 十大外围足彩网 创新 Prize, 由法国G十大外围足彩网组织.I.S.I. It also received first prize in the Technological 创新 category at the VITeff exhibition. 

    为六瓶葡萄酒开发, OneBox因其众多创新功能和可持续性优势而获得特别认可.  

    The packaging is unique in that it combines two functions in one solution. 一方面,一方面, it provides maximum protection to the wine bottles during shipping while, 另一方面, it serves as an attractive promotional display with its built-in handle, 平面布局和内外打印能力. 

    另一个独特之处在于,OneBox的所有组件——从外十大外围足彩网到内部配件——都是由一个部件制成的. 这种创新的设计特点大大简化了客户的十大外围足彩网过程,避免了过度十大外围足彩网

    此外, 多亏了防篡改锁系统, 十大外围足彩网完全由瓦楞纸板制成,不需要任何额外的胶水或胶带, making it a fully recyclable packaging solution that contributes to the circular economy. 


  • 引信茶包-柔印最佳2021


    IP的参赛作品脱颖而出,因为印刷的纸张具有独特的大幅面,以及统一的色彩应用如何掩盖了显示器的纸板凹槽-加强了质量的外观和感觉. 在意大利的Bellusco盒子工厂生产,显示器由IP的合作伙伴Redbox设计. The award was shared with TADAM srl, IP柔印设备供应商.

    The Best in Flexo 奖 are given by the Italian Technical Association for Flexography (ATIF), 认识到最好的质量柔版印刷.

  • Pink Lady®十大外围足彩网- 2021年EFIA奖

    十大外围足彩网在EFIA奖的海外瓦楞纸类中获得一等奖,用于客户Pink Lady®的纸盒印刷类型. Designed by our French team and produced at our Bellusco plant in Italy, IP与Z Due分享了该奖项, IP柔印设备供应商.

    EFIA奖是由柔版工业协会(FIA)(前身为欧洲柔版工业协会EFIA)颁发的,旨在表彰柔版印刷质量最好的十大外围足彩网, 效率, 创新, 技术发展和可持续性.
